Beauty drinks have gradually been growing in popularity of the last couple of years. The latest is Glowelle which is owned by Nestle and has been making a splash since its launch last year. Glowelle comes in both ready-to-drink bottles and in mixes in two flavors, raspberry-jasmine and pomegranate-lychee. Glowelle says the drink contains high antioxidant nutrients, botanicals and fruit extracts include green tea and goji berries that will beautify the skin. The drink is sweetened with cane juice and has 100 calories for the drink and 50 calories for the powdered formula and it carries a pretty steep price ($112 for a 30-day supply of packets while a similar product, Borba is $100 for 60 packets). The taste is both fruity and floral with a bit of a strange aftertaste. Buy yours through Neiman Marcus and they'll throw in a free tote for purchases over $50.